The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1



Recognition: The Driving Force

Brad Hager


hey come for the money, but they stay for the big neon sign that says
love and recognition.”
It was years ago when I first heard a mentor make that statement.
I instantly reached for a pen, for I knew it was one of those rare pearls
of wisdom occasionally given out by those who have gone before us. How-
ever, it would be years before I would come to realize how vital these words
are to building a large, successful organization with true staying power.
According to the Direct Selling Association, the number one reason peo-
ple get into network marketing is for financial gain. The second factor is to
obtain time freedom and more control over their own lives (which inciden-
tally is very rarely obtained without first getting more of number one). These
being the facts, we can clearly see what approach we should take with
prospects when attempting to enroll them into our business. By focusing on
their hot buttons, anyone can go out and build a large, successful organiza-
tion, get rich, and live happily ever after, right?
While sharing your opportunity with new prospects, the preceding mo-
tivators should definitely be revealed. But, contrary to what some people
teach, there is more. To build it big, it goes beyond getting involved and spon-
soring a few people.
I’ll never forget my first few years in this business when I would ask the
larger money earners what I needed to do to get my business going and to
start making those big checks. I received the same two answers that many of
you have gotten in the past. The first was simply “sponsor more people”; the
second answer was “do more of what you’re already doing.” Duh!!! I imme-
diately thought to myself, “What I’m doing is notworking, so why would I
want to do more of it? So that I could fail faster, I guess.”
I think you’d agree it doesn’t do a lot of good to continue putting people
into your business if the old ones are quitting faster than you can sponsor new
ones. I’m reminded of a lady who approached me not long ago to inform me

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