The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1



Creating a Simple Yet

Effective Method of Operation

Art Jonak

“An excited distributor going down the
wrong road will get to the wrong place faster.”

Here’s a typical growth cycle for many network marketing organizations.
They grow to 30 distributors, and then shrink to 10 or 5. Then they grow
again to 30 and shrink again. Grow again to 40 and shrink. Then the orga-
nization fizzles and finally disappears. It rarely gets to 300, 500, or 1,000
A healthy organization should grow one, two, three, or more levels deep
down each organizational leg every month.
If you sponsor someone who has owned a successful business, she might
sign up 30 distributors on her credibility alone, and then have very little, if
any, new growth after the initial surge.
You hear the same story all the time. You go to a local meeting and
see the chamber of commerce guy on stage and learn how he signed up a
ton of new people in his first month. And then, the next month, he’s
nowhere to be found.
This is what I call the “Superman Syndrome.”
You want an organization that grows without you, that doesn’t
even need you, one that doesn’t even know who you are! Wouldn’t that be
great! Ultimately you want to work your way out of a job. I once asked
Tom “Big Al” Schreiter what success in network marketing looked like. He

“It’s when you’re collecting a great weekly bonus check from
your program and 95 percent of your team doesn’t even know
your name.”
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