The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1

So, how can you make that happen? I’ll share my experience regarding
what has worked for me. It’s not gospel and you can disagree with any part
of it. My suggestion, however, is to try it on like a jacket. If it fits, use it. If
it doesn’t, stop using it.



Every network marketing organization should have a standard method of op-
eration by which they sponsor, train, and duplicate. Network marketing pro-
grams have three common elements: the opportunity, the product, and the
distributor. The product is the same for everyone in your company. No one in
your company has a different product line than you do. Regarding the oppor-
tunity, does your company offer a different compensation plan for people
with a college education than for those with no education? Does the compen-
sation plan pay some occupations more than others? Is there a glass ceiling
for women, like there is in corporate America? Does your plan discriminate
against distributors over the age of 65 or under the age of 25?
Of course not! The opportunity and the product are the same for
That leaves the distributor. Success is a function of the skills the distrib-
utor learns. It involves the techniques he teaches and the viewpoints he takes
about his business. These make the biggest difference in the size of his weekly
bonus check.
As your sponsor, if you go out there and become a huge success, it will
not be because of me. It will be because of you. And on the flip side, if you go
out there and fail, it will not be because of me. It will be because of you.
As your sponsor, I’m not here to work for you. Instead, I’m here to
work withyou, to teach you the skills necessary to build a large, successful
network marketing organization.
This is where a simple method of operation for your team can help. You
want to create a pattern that is the same every single time, a pattern your
team can develop that’s easy enough to encourage the learning of new skills.
Create a solid method of operation for your team, and the chances your
group will be able to consistently share the message of your opportunity and
product will increase exponentially.
You want to create one method of operation and stick with it for a long
period of time. If you don’t stick to one simple method of operation, here’s
what could and probably will happen. Imagine you’re going through your
mail and between all the bills, offers, and advertising, you find a letter from
your networking company. You rip it open and pull out a bonus check!

Creating a Simple Yet Effective Method of Operation 157
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