The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1

Successful businessman Frank Aucoin coined the phrase “Keep the main thing
the main thing.” And what is the main thing? Simply this: How many times
today was the story of the opportunity and product told on your behalf by
you, by your team, or by an event?
At first, the number of times the story is told will be based 100 percent
on your own efforts. If you share the story twice that day, the number is two.
Once you sponsor someone who agrees to share the story twice a day, then
the story is being told four times a day on your behalf: twice by you and twice
by your new distributor. As your organization grows, the story can be told
hundreds, thousands, even tens of thousands of times per day. However, the
odds of this happening are greatly increased if you have a simple and effective
method of operation.


How can the story be told perfectly every time, 10 or 15 levels in depth, by
brand-new distributors we don’t even know who live thousands of miles
away from us? How can it be told by a dud, somebody who’s never really
been successful, who is getting ready to approach someone with a lot of
Learning a 30-minute presentation is daunting. Not only will it take
weeks and even months to learn, it’s an unreasonable request of your distrib-
utors. Think about the last time the average person had to give a presenta-
tion. It was probably in high school and they dreaded every second of it!


Let’s go back to Brian. Brian’s method of operation was simply based on the
effective use of a third-party tool to tell the story. The definition of a third-
party tool is basically anything you’re not. A third-party tool can be a tape,
CD, video, DVD, conference call, meeting, three-way call, web site, and the
like. You are using third-party tools when you’re not personally verbally shar-
ing the facts on the company and product. A third-party tool will tell the
story perfectly every single time. Distributors simply need to learn to point
prospects to third-party tools. It’s much easier to teach a distributor to point
to third-party tools than it is to have them memorize a full presentation. If
you use a third-party tool to tell the story, you’ll end up talking less so you
can talk to morepeople.

Creating a Simple Yet Effective Method of Operation 161
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