The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1

What I’m going to do is start with a real broad funnel with no commit-
ment, and by the time I get through with Harry this evening, I’m going to get
a pretty strong commitment out of him. I’m going to say, “Well, Harry, let me
ask you something. Have you ever seen one of these little yellow cards be-
fore?” (In this scenario, we found Harry by using a prospecting method
named SizzleCards. You can see more about that at The Siz-
zleCard is a prospecting card that may have been left on a newspaper ma-
chine, Harry picked it up, then called a prospecting message and asked us to
call him back.) So, if he responded to a SizzleCard, what’s he going to say?
He’ll say, “Yeah, I picked one of those things up off the newspaper stand.”
“That’s right, that’s how we got here tonight, isn’t it? That’s how we
met you. Well, Harry, let me ask you: Next time you go get a newspaper do
you think you could leave a couple of these on a newspaper machine?”
“Well, yeah, I could do that.”
“Harry, next time you go to the gas station and pump your gas, do you
think you could stick a couple of these on the gas pump?”
“I could do that.”
“Well, Harry, next time you go to Wendy’s, do you think you could
leave a couple of these on the table when you leave?”
“Yeah, I could do that.”
“Well, gee, Harry, if you can do that you can probably make some pretty
good money with this business, because that’s all it takes to make it work.”
Harry’s eyes are starting to open up. He’s starting to sit on the edge of his
seat. He’s starting to say to himself, “Hey, maybe there is something to this.”
Now I want to go through a simple example of how to use this
prospecting technique. Before I get into that, I’ll ask Harry one more leading
question. “Let me ask you a question: If I could show you a way to protect
your family’s livelihood in the event you get downsized” (Harry had previ-
ously told me this was his hot button and his biggest concern to solve) “is that
important enough to you to be willing to test the waters and see if this might
work? I’m not talking about making any commitment or spending any money
in this business to test the waters. But if I could show you conclusively with
two hours a week for two weeks only whether or not you can make $2,000 or
$3,000 or $4,000 a month, is it important enough to you to be willing to do a
little test? You’ll never have to talk to a single person, and I’ll never ask you
for the name or telephone number of anyone you know or have ever known
in your life. Would you do that test?”
If I phrase my question right and know his real hot button, he’s proba-
bly going to say, “What do you have in mind?” That’s when I’m going to ask,
“Have you ever seen one of these cards? Can you leave it on the newspaper
stand, can you leave it on the gas pump, can you leave it at Wendy’s? Gee, if
you can do that, you can make money with this business. Let me show you

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