The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1

how easy it is.” And I share how easy it is to find prospects with our methods.
It’s not so critical that your prospecting method involves SizzleCards, but it is
critical that you have an easyprospecting method that your prospect can be-
lieve he can do... and succeed.
As I go through my example and he begins to say, “I could do that!”
I’m moving him off his “no” to a “maybe.” It’s not significant movement,
but just like a ship in port, it’s a gradual movement. I’m getting him think-
ing, “Hey, maybe I cando this.” Now I’m going to say to him, “Let me ask
you, Harry, in the next two weeks, by not really going out and not making
a commitment to do this thing a whole lot, but just getting out SizzleCards
by leaving them wherever you go, how many do you think you can get out
in the next two weeks?” He’s going to say, “I probably can get out maybe
200 or 300.”
“Great, I’ll leave you 500 just so we’ll be sure you don’t run out. By the
way, Harry, your code number is going to be code number 38. That way,
we’re going to be able to track your prospects separately from mine and other
people’s. The code number lets me know who did the work to generate a par-
ticular prospect, so I can credit the prospect to the right distributor.”
Next, I’ll say, “Harry, one of the things that we need to determine is
whether or not you can actually do this business. One of the steps outside of
just giving out SizzleCards is making some phone calls back. Now, in the
early stages, you’ll never have to make a phone call if you don’t want to. I’m
going to help you and I’m going to teach you along the way, but eventually if
you’re going to make some big money with this, you may have to make a few
phone calls, okay? As we start testing the waters and seeing if this is some-
thing that you can do, would it make sense to see how we make phone calls to
see if it’s something that you can do also?”
Harry says, “That makes sense.”
“Great, let me ask you: Do you have anything scheduled Tuesday night?”
“Good. Why don’t we meet about eight o’clock Tuesday night? Here’s
a copy of the script that I’m going to use. I want you to just listen to me as I
make some phone calls so you can see how easy it is to call these people
back. Again, you’re not going to say anything—I just want you to listen.”
What I’ve just done is set a follow-up appointment, moving Harry another
step forward.
Next, I’ll continue and say, “Oh, by the way, you know since we’re go-
ing to be making some phone calls together in just a few days, it would be re-
ally great if you can make a real strong effort to get out a lot of these cards. If
you could get out 300 or 400 of these in the next couple of days, maybe leave
10 minutes early for work and stop by a gas station or two and some newspa-
per machines. When you go to lunch, instead of taking an hour, take half an


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