The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1



Leadership in an All-Volunteer Army

Greg Arnold


eadership is truly the most marvelous mystery in existence today. Vol-
umes have been written about it, yet no one has completely captured its
essence in a manner that allows everyone to taste from its cup. Leaders
come in all shapes and sizes, colors and backgrounds, religions and be-
liefs. Leadership doesn’t discriminate in any way, shape, or form when choos-
ing who possesses it. Leadership positions are available to anyone willing to
assume its mantle and responsibilities.
Let me clear up a few common misconceptions about leaders before I
tell you what I think they all possess. Not all leaders are noble, nor do they
all fight for noble causes. Not all leaders are honest, nor do they all possess
flawless character. Not all leaders have a burning desire to lead others; in
fact, most don’t. Not all leaders are courageous and bold. I doubt most
leaders are thrifty, brave, or reverent, either. They aren’t even necessarily
Boy Scouts. The point is, most leaders simply don’t look or act much
like Superman or Wonder Woman. Most of the time leaders are like every-
one else.



Even though all leaders are pretty much the same as everyone else, in the net-
work marketing industry they are treated like rock stars. Mere network mar-
keting mortals elevate and deify them. They are cheered on stages around the
world and quoted daily. Everyone is his or her friend. Their incomes are mag-
nified many times over, only limited by the enthusiasm of the person telling
the story. Network marketing leaders truly become legends in their own time.
Network marketing leaders are rock stars indeed.
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