The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1
network marketing, writes about the importance of creating a simple, effec-
tive method of operation to sponsor, train, and duplicate in order to move
your business continually in a forward direction. Teach your team these sim-
ple, duplicable skills that make the most of company tools, and they will be
much more bulletproof and well prepared to succeed in the networking game.
Beatty Carmichael is a master of creating network marketing systems
that work. He shares how you can turn any prospect’s “no” into the very rea-
son that prospect ends up joining your team. His techniques build belief in
even the most skeptical or reluctant prospects. Greg Arnold explains what top
network marketing leaders are—and what they are not. See if you fit his defi-
nition of a leader. Leading distributor Nick Hetcher teaches us how to gener-
ate endless prospects in dozens of creative ways. Follow Nick’s advice and
you’ll find prospects readily available who are qualified to join your business.
Continuing on this endless prospects theme, Dr. Tony Alessandra, expert sales
trainer and accomplished speaker, explains how to identify and enroll highly
qualified sources of prospects. Forgoing the “three-foot rule,” Tony shares
how to target those centers of influence that can open the door for us to intro-
duce our opportunity to the masses they influence. Romanus Wolter expands
upon the art of effective prospecting by revealing how you can utilize “octo-
pus networking” to extend your reach and build your business with velocity.
Romanus is adept at showing us just how to create value and reel our
prospects in.
But what if you are not interested in (or are incapable of) introducing
your friends, family, or those you meet as you go about your day? Amy Pos-
ner is an authority when it comes to working the cold market. Amy shares
how anyone can work an opportunity-seeker leads program effectively as part
of an overall prospecting strategy. She discusses several forms of advertising,
the use of scripts, and other components essential to working with strangers
who want what you have. Chris Zavadowski is a master Internet marketer.
Chris will reveal the seven most profitable Internet prospecting tools you can
use to build your business totally online, if you so choose. But I warn you,
these are cutting-edge, advanced secrets you won’t easily find elsewhere.
Great stuff!
Speaking of the Internet, Max Steingart has developed an entire Internet
prospecting system using instant messaging. Whether you want to find a soul
mate or your next network marketing superstar, Max shares how you can
build your business by identifying prospects online and developing cyber-rela-
tionships that will lead to golden prospecting opportunities.
If Internet prospecting isn’t your style, you may be interested in learn-
ing how Dr. Don and Mary Lou Vollmer utilize trade shows, booths, and
fairs to introduce their income opportunity and product lines to hundreds or
even thousands of qualified targeted prospects over a weekend. The Vollmers
share their secrets about what you’ll want to do to make this prospecting

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