The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1

Although the prospects may not be as targeted as ones you might find by ad-
vertising in a trade journal, business magazine, or newspaper, working with
leads generated over the Internet is very cost-effective.
With the Internet, unlike more traditional media, you can buy a speci-
fied number of prospects, which enables you to schedule and plan your work
more efficiently. Again, it’s a good idea to be using at least two or three
ROMs, but by incorporating this method, you know you’ll at least be sure to
connect with a certain number of people each week—guaranteed. (As long as
you make your calls!)
Working in the cold market, and particularly with Internet-generated
leads, there are two key elements that make the process work: (1) making a
personal connection with your prospects and then (2) qualifying them to the
next stage, which may consist of getting them information to review on a web
site, through a conference (by phone or online), or by snail mail (sending a
brochure, CD, or personal letter), or a combination of these things.
Remember, with the people you’re calling you have nocredibility going
in. They don’t know you and in many cases have never heard of the company
you represent. Many people have had some sort of experience or contact with
other network marketing businesses, often less than successful, so you may
have to overcome their skepticism.
The majority of people are actually quite friendly and personable,
though... with the occasional curmudgeon thrown into the mix just to keep
you on your toes.
Your initial call to a cold-market Internet prospect should contain cer-
tain basic elements.

Brief Script

You should have a concise script that gives an overview of the company and
the business you are presenting. Keep this part very brief—one to two minutes
maximum! Longer than that, and you’re likely to wear out your welcome.
There are two critical reasons you want to keep this first call brief: first,
you need to qualify them and move on to your next prospect; and second,
from the moment they pick up the phone, you are also training them. You
want to plant the seed in the prospect’s mind that this first call is simple,
straightforward, and uncomplicated—in other words, that it’s something they
could imagine doing easily themselves.


In your script, make sure to include a clear statement of what’s in it for them.
Think about what got you excited and write that into your script.


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