The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1



The Internet Can Replace

Your Warm Market

Max Steingart


he first thing a person is usually asked to do when joining a network
marketing company is to make a list of the people they know. The list
includes your family members, friends, neighbors, and people with
whom you work. The list is called your warm market. After the list is
made, you’re supposed to tell everyone on it about your new business venture
or products. This has been the standard method for starting since network
marketing began.
If you’re not comfortable going to your warm market, don’t feel alone.
Most people don’t like going to their warm market for one of several reasons.
Whether these reasons are valid or not, you may feel this way because:

  • Your spouse won’t let you.

  • You’re not going to recommend something you’re not sure about.

  • You don’t have any credibility with the people you know.

  • You’ve been in so many networking companies that you don’t have

  • You don’t feel comfortable trying to make money off your friends.

  • You don’t want to sell to your friends.

If you can’t or won’t talk about your business to the people you know,
your only other option is to talk to strangers. Talking to strangers about your
business exposes you to rejection. The sales cliché “You have to go through
100 no’s to get a yes” is familiar to almost everyone in sales.
The Internet changes everything because it gives you access to an un-
limited number of people. It also makes it easy to identify the best people
to contact. It’s not uncommon for you to get 8 out of the 10 people you
connect with on the Internet to look at your business. The Internet can re-

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