The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1

nesses. Many local areas have festivals or picnics. Other places to check out
the possibility of a table would be at health clubs, schools, and churches.


There are some very significant advantages for participating with trade
shows, booths, and fairs. You have the opportunity to have people coming to
you for your product or service. This can save you a considerable amount of
time and automatically make cold leads warm, possibly even hot. Book a
show today, be prepared, have fun, and prosper.

Thanks to network marketing, Don Vollmer is a retired dentist and Mary
Lou Vollmer is a retired dental hygienist. They were able to sell their dental
practice and retire on the income generated from their network marketing
They began their network marketing careers in the early 1980s and quickly
moved to the top position in that company, winning two Cadillacs along the way.
In 1989 they began with their present company, Oxyfresh Worldwide, where they
are regional directors and members of the advisory board of directors. They speak
nationally and internationally, championing others to achieve the same financial
and personal freedom they enjoy through network marketing. When not support-
ing their ever-growing organization, the Vollmers now live a lifestyle of choice,
traveling and spending time with their family. To learn more about the Vollmers,
visit or e-mail [email protected].

Building Your Network Marketing Business 239
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