The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1



Party Your Way to the Top

of Network Marketing!

Jan Ruhe


here are several ways to build a network marketing company. The way
that made me a fortune was through home parties. Talking one-on-
one, building relationships, and creating rapport is the slow road to
success, as far as I am concerned. Relationships grow over time, when
trust is built. Find a company that has great products. Fall in love with your
products and share them! Fall in love with your opportunity and share it!
And then, the critical part is to help others do the same!
Here’s a strategy that has worked well for me: Spend the first two
weeks of the month selling your company’s products and spend the last two
weeks heavily recruiting those who express an interest in your income op-
portunity. Focus on getting 52 or more home parties scheduled every year.
Put the word out that you have eight openings a month, two a week. Book
backwards—that is, start booking way out, asking for hosts to pick a date
in December, and book up December, then November, then October, and so
on. When you get to your parties, announce that you are booked for the
rest of the year and have a waiting list for hosts to have parties for you,
should you get a cancellation. By creating this posture, you will be looked
upon as a very serious network marketer. People want what they can’t
have. It takes focus and desire. Do what others won’t so you will have
what others don’t have! At your parties, make sure to rebook the host for
another party later in the year or for the following year, whenever you have
The more home parties you hold, the more you will realize that, unfor-
tunately, so few people are fired up about anything in life. The more success-
ful you are, the more excited and fired up you will become and the more you
will begin to magnetize others to you who want what you have. The excite-
ment and happiness in your life will attract others who want these qualities in
their lives! Become a perpetual student of our great profession. Book by book,

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