The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1

seminar by seminar, CD by CD, begin to learn from different people about
the joy of selling and the joy of empowering others to succeed. Realize how
important personal growth and development is. Readers are leaders and lead-
ers are readers. Plan to be a leader of thousands. Build your own dynasty and
your own tribe of followers who will become leaders, too. After all, someone
has to party for a living! Be eager to succeed.
Know that behind every sale, a reason or motive exists for your cus-
tomer to buy. At a home party, motives vary from guest to guest. A specific
product will usually appeal to only one or two of your customers’ 10 most
common buying motives. When you answer the question, “Which buying mo-
tives does my product or opportunity satisfy?” you can formulate a successful
presentation around your product’s benefits. Today’s buyers all have a buying
motive. There are 10 main motives why anyone buys anything. Structure your
presentation around these and you will increase your sales at your parties.
Here they are:

  1. Desire for wealth.

  2. Desire for health.

  3. Desire for admiration from others.

  4. Desire for gratification of some appetite.

  5. Desire for amusement.

  6. Desire for safety of self or dependents.

  7. Desire for utility or use value.

  8. Desire for self-improvement.

  9. Desire for saving time, trouble, or worry.

  10. Desire for comfort.

Knowing how to create value for your prospects and customers, why
speak to them just one-on-one? That is certainly one way of doing the busi-
ness. Although I do that, too, it’s the slow way to build a network marketing
business. Contrary to what some may say, you don’t have to get rich slowly in
network marketing! Sometimes, it can be a challenge to consistently give your
presentations to at least one person a day. The benefit of having a home party
is that you can give your presentations to 10 or more prospects at one time!
Do the math! Prospecting one person a day equates to 365 prospects a year.
With a home party, it’s easy to speak with 10 or more prospects a week. Ten
times 52 weeks equals 520 prospects, in addition to those whom you prospect
daily! Doesn’t that make a lot more sense? To increase that number, if you
schedule and hold two home parties each week, you can see twice that many
people, or more than 1,000 prospects in a year! To convert those suspects to

Party Your Way to the Top of Network Marketing! 241
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