The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1

prospects to recruits, you have to believe in what you are doing and present
your products and opportunity enough times to find key leaders. Do enough
home parties and you will succeed!
In the process of doing regular, weekly parties, some special sayings and
stories have kept my spirit alive. Start collecting your own vitamins for your
mind! Here are a few of my favorites:

  • If you continue to do what you have always done, you will continue
    to get what you have always gotten.

  • You can’t heat an oven with snowballs.

  • Network marketing is not a job. It’s a way of life.

  • There is a day that you get into network marketing, but nothing hap-
    pens until the day network marketing gets into you.

  • Don’t let your convictions become your restrictions.

  • Transfer regret into get, get, get.

  • Be a go-giver as well as a go-getter.

  • The 3 Ds of success are desire, dedication, determination.

  • Go for a paycheck, not a playcheck.

  • Don’t be average. Be a champion.

  • The top bananas get the most light.

  • Normally a door does not slam open.

  • “I will persist until I succeed.”—Og Mandino

  • “It’s a funny thing about life; if you refuse to accept anything but the
    best, you very often get it.”—Somerset Maugham

STEAM System. Get the fire of desire. To build your parties’ atten-
dance, ask for referrals using the STEAM System. To do this right, you will
want to carry a special bag/purse/container with business cards, flyers, a
pad and pen to capture names, and catalogs or any of your other team-
building tools, including Scotch tape and pushpins. Always be prepared to
put up a flyer on a bulletin board or tape a flyer onto a window or have
your business tools to pass out into the world. One of the easiest words in
network marketing to remember to use is the word hereand just hand out
your business tools along your daily path. Exit your house to prospect
daily. While you are out and about prospecting every day and in every way,
keep the word steamin your mind. When chatting at the store, in line with
people, or in casual conversations during the day, always ask the STEAM
System questions:
Ask: “Who do you know who is in sales? I am looking for some new


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