The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1

distributors for a team I am building, and salespeople normally do really well
on our team.”
Ask: “Do you have children? Who is your child’s favorite teacher? Or
do you have a personal trainer? I am looking for some new distributors for
a team I am building, and teachers and trainers normally do really well on
our team.”
Ask: “Who is the most enthusiasticperson you know? Enthusiastic peo-
ple normally succeed big time in what I do.”
Ask: “Who do you know who has a positive attitude? Positive people
generally do really well in what I do.”
Ask: “Who do you know who needs some extra money? Boy, do I have
a way for them to make it starting today!”
As you capture names, remember that the fortune is in the follow-up.
Leads are hot for only 24 hours. Get right on them! You can’t stroll to a
goal. Get fired up to return calls, have conversations, set up meetings, e-mail
your prospects, and in every way try to reach them within 24 hours of meet-
ing them.
Use an easy, duplicable training system. The one I teach is the Go Dia-
mond Training. How did you learn your multiplication facts? Most people
were taught by memorization. Saying them over and over... 2 ×2 is 4, 2 × 3
is 6, and so on. Repetition is the mother of skill. Isn’t that a relief that it doesn’t
fluctuate? It stays the same in every situation. No one changes it to reinvent
the wheel. It’s been around for years and still holds as true today as it did 100
years ago. There’s no need to improve it or change it in any way. Some were
taught multiplication tables by using flash cards. The Go Diamond Training is
as simple as that! All you do is set up your 20 or so cards, using the template
that I created. Plug in your own information and you have your training
ready. It’s always the same and always duplicable! The Go Diamond Training
is put onto poster boards that you can pack in your suitcase. You can pass
them out at meetings and expect that they will always get results. They are
also available for a quick presentation on a table in a restaurant. Be smart. Do
what works. You don’t have to reinvent the wheel!
The way to the top in network marketing is to have thousands of distrib-
utors each doing a little bit. Keep your presentations at a home party to less
than 20 minutes. Have your setup take less than five minutes. Watch your
grammar and dress and use a word list to help you build a vocabulary that at-
tracts people to join you. Here are some examples of words to make your own:
absolute, abundance, accountable, accurate, admirable, affluent, ambitious,
appreciate, attentive, awesome, believable, belong, bold, bountiful, brilliant,
caring, certainty, cherish, clear, commitment, fantastic, gripping, and inspired.
Seek out those who are living the lifestyle and who have actually built a
network marketing business from the ground up. They are a truly select group!
Find mentors who will encourage you, who will lift you up and give you new

Party Your Way to the Top of Network Marketing! 243
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