The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1

ideas. Say over and over daily, “Abundance and prosperity are coming my
way!” What your mind believes, you will achieve! Become the best upline you
can be with a commitment to guide others to the top. When you promote lead-
ers and make them successful, you will get everything you ever dreamed of at-
taining. Network marketing through party plans is the stuff that dreams are
made of. Tell the host, “You get the people there, I’ll do the rest!” And remem-
ber to always use the two words that everyone loves to hear: “you get”! These
are the words that precede the benefits that your company offers.
People love to congregate, party, and entertain. Have your own home
party and see how much fun it can be! The more you learn, the more you earn.
Knowledge is not power; only action is power. So start taking massive action
today. Plan ahead, work your plan, and go for greatness. Network marketing is
not a job; it’s a way of life. Live the lifestyle that network marketing promises
for those who put their focus, energy, passion, love, determination, and desire
to not be denied a fabulous future. If it’s doable for one, it’s doable for all. Jump
into network marketing and get started. Make this the day you decide to make
your life an incredible masterpiece through network marketing! Be the one who
says, “I am so thankful I did!” instead of those who say, “I wish I had.”
So, at your party, what will you serve? Do you know the sizzling soup
recipe? In order to make a good soup, it is necessary to have the right ingredi-
ents. In network marketing, this means distributors who are excited about the
business and who are also bringing in other excited distributors. Put them all
into a huge pot with some water and assign each one a degree value. The val-
ues go like this: 5 degrees for those you sponsor, 10 degrees for those who
you’ve sponsored sponsor, then 20 degrees for those who they sponsor, and
40 degrees for the ones that they, in turn, sponsor. Why do the degree levels
increase with subsequent generations? Because if your third level is moving,
they are heating up your soup and your second level is getting excited. This is
firing up your first level and the team is sizzling! When you get all of these de-
grees of heat going, it won’t be long before you have your own soup sizzling!
Fill your soup pot with distributors who are excited about the business!
Watch the temperature reach 300 degrees! As soon as possible, you’ll want
your distributors starting their own soup pots. Add some enthusiasm, empa-
thy, understanding, and fun, and watch the soup continue to sizzle for years
to come. Go for greatness! Take care of your future. After all, that is where
you are going to spend the rest of your life! Happy networking!

Jan Ruhe is a living legend in the network marketing profession. In 2005, she
celebrated 25 years in the same company. She has been the top-paid Discovery
Toys Diamond distributor in the United States for many years. She has built a


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