The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1

level of interest while speeding this whole process up to an efficient pace. Of
course, 48 hours isn’t possible in every case, but it gives you something to
shoot for. Two things are critical to remember here. One, your interests
aren’t nearly as important to your potential customers/partners as their in-
terests are. Two, always treat them as you would want to be treated your-
self, with dignity and respect.

Step Two: The Follow-up Contact

This actual activity is dictated mainly by whatever your prospecting system is,
geography, and agreement with your potential customer/partner. It could be a
face-to-face appointment, a meeting or event, or any number of possibilities.
However, in most cases, and for the sake of this discussion, we’ll assume it’s a
follow-up phone call. Your main goal for this call is merely to determine their
level of interest. The best way to do this is of course to ask questions—the
right kind of questions. For example: “Did you find the information as in-
triguing as I did?” Or “When I first looked at this, the possibility of working
with a good consumable product and creating a residual customer base and
income got me really excited [or insert what was the case for you]. What
caught your attention about it?”
Either of these approaches works, but I really like the second one be-
cause it shares your ideas and points out another benefit that they may not
have thought about. Plus, in both of these questions, you are assuming a pos-
itive response, which is very helpful.
As for the response you get, they’re really are only three possibilities:

  1. They aren’t interested.

  2. They haven’t reviewed the information yet.

  3. They are interested and want to learn more about your business
    and/or product.

Step Three: The Next Follow-up Step

Here are a few things to keep in mind for each of the preceding scenarios
and what you should do when you encounter them. If, for whatever reason,
you do not get a positive response, be sure to inquire more. Ask them why
they feel the way they do, but do so in a respectful and genuinely curious
manner. In no way do you want to seem confrontational or chastise them
for having an opinion different than yours. However, you do want to try to
get to the root of their feelings, because in many cases their opinions are
based on a perception or comparison to things they’ve seen in the past and
may not be completely accurate. After all, you don’t want them to miss out

Proper Follow-Up: The Hidden Gold Mine 255
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