The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1



The Importance of High Self-Esteem

to Your Network Marketing Success

Dr. Joe Rubino


n this book, the many brilliant contributors who were invited to share
their wisdom were asked to write about any one aspect of building a busi-
ness that they believed would most contribute to the success of our read-
ers. We’ve learned from many of the most accomplished business builders,
trainers, and leaders in network marketing about countless principles that are
of critical importance in achieving top-level success in this profession. These
insights range from how to craft a detailed business plan and set and accom-
plish goals to how to identify and enroll your prospects most effectively to
how to best train and lead your growing organization—along with scores of
other elements key to building a lasting networking dynasty. These are, of
course, all extremely valuable distinctions whose mastery will dramatically
support your business-building efforts. However, I’d guess that every leader
who has contributed his or her wisdom to this book would agree that there is
probably no other attribute more essential to your network marketing success
and to the success of your organization than high self-esteem.
Lack of self-esteem is by far the most severe problem we face as a so-
ciety today. Most children and adults suffer from feelings of diminished
self-worth and manifest the results of these feelings in countless ways that
adversely affect the quality of their lives and the lives of those around
them. Low self-image is the source of disharmony among people every-
where. It is most often the underlying cause of scarcity, suffering, struggles
of all kinds, conflicts, and even wars throughout the world. And, in net-
work marketing, it is the biggest reason why people have little success to
show for their efforts. It is at the core of why many fail to prospect and fol-
low up others daily and are unable to powerfully enroll them into their op-
portunity. Low self-esteem is at the root of why so many can not handle the
rejection, taking it personally when those they prospect are not interested,
causing them to eventually give up and quit on their dreams to achieve a
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