The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1

  • See how you can be strong and authentic. Use your vulnerability as a
    source of power.

  • Design a new self-image that supports your magnificence.

  • Realize the power of forgiveness.

  • Discover the secret to an upset-free life.

  • Re-establish your worth and reinvent yourself to be your best.

  • Create a vision of a life of no regrets.

7.Secrets of Building a Million-Dollar Network Marketing Organization:

Utilize The Latest in Whole Brain Inner TalkTMTechnology to take a trip
to a deeper dimension of power within yourself and tap into The Most Impor-
tant Secret To Success In Network Marketing... SELF-MOTIVATION!

Thought Modification Made Easy Audio Cassette Tape Series

Put to work for you the powerful combination of the latest in patented and
scientifically proven audible and subliminal brain wave technology developed
by Dr. Eldon Taylor, the world’s foremost expert on offsetting negative infor-
mation by inputting positive messages directly into the subconscious. This
safe and highly effective proven technology has been independently re-
searched at leading institutions such as Stanford University. For the first time
ever, this technology has been combined with the 124 thought-altering posi-
tive self-talk affirmations developed by Dr. Joe Rubino, one of North Amer-
ica’s foremost business trainers and coaches—the man Successmagazine
called a “Millionaire Maker.” The result is a remarkable audio cassette tape
series that will give you the power to alter any limiting thoughts... The
power to maximize your personal effectiveness to rapidly build your MLM
business on purpose and with confidence.

This revolutionary two tape set consists of one Positive Self-Talk Program,
which combines audible affirmations with the shadowed subliminal Inner
Talk®affirmations, and one Ozo self motivation program. Use the first tape at
least once a day playing it in the background in your car or while you work or
play. Use the second tape with headphones when you can take 20 minutes and
close your eyes. The special frequencies will entrain brain wave activity and
produce an optimal state for learning and conditioning new patterns, energiz-
ing you into action and filling your being with total confidence. It’s like hiring
Dr. Joe Rubino as your personal success coach!

Recommended Resources 299

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