The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1

Fifth, have a personal mission and values statement that will allow you
to reconnect with your vision for your life. I strongly encourage you to create
written statements that spell out who you are and what you want your life to
become and keep them close at hand for regular review. When setbacks have
left you momentarily disheartened, pull out your written statements and re-
mind yourself of the person you are and of the emotionally compelling vision
you are working to achieve. This will help you refocus on your ultimate des-
tination and reconnect with your passion. My heart goes out to those people
who get up in the morning with no vision for their lives. There is such an in-
credibly powerful energy available to those who see a golden vision of what
they want their lives to be. They spring out of bed in the morning and they
renew the quest to make that dream a reality. This again is a key area where
you must set an example for the organization that you are building. Don’t
expect your people to take the time to commit their vision to writing or to
create a compelling values and mission statement if you don’t take the time
to do so.
Sixth, live life with passion. People follow people, not companies, and
ultimately people follow passionate people. I have lived a life passionately of
the pursuit of my dreams. I’ve also known a life in the pursuit of a paycheck.
I would choose to passionately pursue my dreams any day because that is
when I am most alive and when I exhibit most consistently a great attitude.
I’ve been blessed with the exhilarating feeling of waking up in the morning,
every morning, with an exciting vision of a greater day. I briefly lost that sen-
sation near the end of my law career, and that’s when I knew it was time to
move on to something else. When you have crafted a compelling dream and
you are engaged in the passionate pursuit of that dream, you glow with pur-
posefulness. It is rare that the pack will exhibit passion or dream to a greater
extent than its leader. Dream big and chase your dream with extreme passion.
You will be duplicated.
Finally, develop an attitude that makes you unstoppable. Can you imag-
ine waking in the morning knowing in your heart and in your soul that if you
decide to put your mind to a task it is all but done? You talk about a swagger.
When you have an attitude that you are unstoppable, you can’tbe stopped. I
have had the great fortune to have that attitude since I’ve been a very young
man. When I decided I was going to go to law school and become a trial
lawyer and when I decided to win the national trial competition, I was un-
stoppable. Nothing was going to get in my way. When I became a trial lawyer
and I decided to win cases, 232 times out of 241 times I was unstoppable. De-
spite the fact that I lost 9 of the 241 cases that I tried, I went into every single
one of them with the attitude that I knew where I was going and by golly I
was going to get there. When I involved myself in the network marketing sec-
tor and decided to develop an organization that would create sufficient resid-
ual income to be financially independent, I was unstoppable. It simply did not

Bring the Right Attitude to Your Network Marketing Experience 15
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