The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1

matter if the next person said yes or no or if the next person engaged as a
business builder. I had a mission that I was going to accomplish. A very wise
person once stated, “Don’t ever get in the way of a man or a woman who de-
sires something with all of their heart that they have decided they will have,
whatever it takes... because they will run you over like a blade of grass.” Be-
ing unstoppable is an attitude.
The quality of your life will be measured by your attitude. The degree of
success that you enjoy in this wonderful business sport called network mar-
keting will have everything to do with the attitude that you bring to your net-
work marketing experience. Decide that your mission every day is to be in a
constant state of developing, maintaining, and protecting one of the truly
great assets of your life—your attitude.

To learn about further products or services offered by John Terhune or his com-
pany, Rainmaker Consulting Services, visit the web sites,, or, or
e-mail Mr. Terhune at [email protected].


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