The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1
Life Priorities

Clearly state the priorities that are important to you as you look to the

  1. I have clearly identified my life priorities.

  2. I use these life priorities to set my direction and guide my decision

Before you launch your network marketing business it is important to
make sure that this endeavor is in tune with your life priorities. At this point,
you may not even be clear on what they are. However, if you do not define
them, there will be no synergy between your life and business, which leaves
you off balance and reduces your chances of being successful. Here is an ex-
ample that illustrates the kind of strife that may follow:

When Joe began his network marketing business, he was full of
enthusiasm and envisioned a bright future. He and Liz had two
young daughters, ages 5 and 7, whom he loved spending time
with. The flexibility network marketing offers appealed to him
greatly. Joe was working this new venture only part-time on top of
his regular job, and success did not come easily. He had to put in a
lot of hours, often working late into the night and through the
weekends. Pretty soon, he wasn’t spending much time with his
family at all.
All the hours Joe was spending on network marketing created
increasing tension with his wife. Eventually she gave him an ul-
timatum: the business or his family. The choice was clear, and
Joe’s promising career in network marketing came to an abrupt

Giving up his business could have been avoided if Joe had thought
through his priorities in the beginning and structured his business strategy ac-
cordingly. He would have put less overall time into it, of course, and taken
longer to reap the rewards, but he would still have had a growing business
and the benefits that come along with it. The problem was that Joe launched
his network marketing enterprise without first making sure it was in harmony
with his family life, his number one priority.

Creating a Winning Strategy for Your Network Marketing Business 25
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