The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1
interfering with another, her social life, which was very important
to her. While she was at home working in the evening, her friends
were out having fun.
Julie reevaluated her priorities. Though financial success re-
mained the most important, she realized there needed to be room
for others, too. She reduced her evening work hours enough to
give her some social “breathing room” while still devoting enough
time to her business to make it work. With her life priorities and
business aspirations in balance, Julie went on to become one of the
most successful distributors in her company.

Julie’s example makes a number of important points. Our priorities are
not set in stone. They change over time and, very often, we are not even
aware something is as important a priority until after our business is up and
running. Suddenly something we used to do or be involved with has been set
aside, and only then do we realize how significant it is. There’s no crisis here,
especially when you consider that one of the big reasons for going into net-
work marketing, to begin with, is the flexibility. Making adjustments is not a
problem. The problems arise when we fail to adjust.
In terms of creating a strategy for success, failing to adequately define
and account for our life priorities can undermine the entire process and leave
us with no workable strategy at all. Understanding our priorities, however,
and building a business around them, has a multiplier effect. Our business
supports what matters most to us, and, with these priorities nurtured by our
efforts, the business itself is a harmonious part of who we are and has an ex-
cellent chance of flourishing as a result.


Clearly state your reasons for building your business, your overall purpose,
and what you are striving to achieve.

  1. I have a clearly articulated purpose that provides focus and direction
    for my network marketing business.

  2. My purpose is in line with my life priorities and is an accurate de-
    scription of who I am and what I am about.

It is critical to define a purpose for your business that is in line with both
your priorities and how you conduct your life in general. A good way to clarify
this purpose is by writing out a mission statement. It does not have to be long

Creating a Winning Strategy for Your Network Marketing Business 27
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