The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1

or complicated, but it does need to be clear on your reasons for doing what
you are doing. After all, these are what get you up and moving every day.
If your life priority is to provide financial security for your family, for
example, then the mission of your business could be to generate the kind of
steady, ongoing cash flows that make that possible. If your life priority is to
constantly challenge yourself by doing new things, your mission might be to
succeed in an area where change is constant and security is secondary.
Your purpose is not something that needs to be written in stone for all
time. It can change, just as your priorities do. When your purpose changes, it
is time to write up a new mission statement to reflect it. Otherwise, you are in
danger of ending up with a business that functions at odds with what you
want to accomplish. Here is an example of a network marketer who defined a
specific mission that was a direct outgrowth of his purpose:

Jerry was a successful financial consultant who made plenty of
money but had little control over his time. The business was run-
ning him instead of him running it. His wife’s job was demanding,
too, and it seemed as though they hardly saw each other. For Jerry,
network marketing offered him an opportunity to regain control
of his time.
The purpose of Jerry’s business was clear: to free his wife from
having to work. His mission, then, followed naturally, and was
simply to earn enough money to match their combined income.
With clarity on what he was playing for, Jerry was focused and
willing to pay the price necessary to achieve his goals. Nothing
came easy, but a clear sense of mission kept him motivated. He
marked the accomplishment of his mission by walking into the
hospital where his wife worked and carrying her out triumphantly.
Jerry went on to become a legend in the industry, and now his
mission has changed—to helping others achieve their own success.

Having an ongoing mission to keep you on track is the thing that will
keep you going when others hit the tough times and give up. You have a light
at the end of the tunnel to move toward. Those without a mission get lost in
the dark.


Create a vision of what you want your future to be and communicate it to
everyone associated with your business.

  1. I have a very clear vision of where I will be in three to five years and
    have put it in writing.


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