The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1

  1. My vision is an energizing force that provides powerful incentives
    for everybody on my team.

Great leaders have vision. They know where they are going and how to
get others to come aboard for the journey. An important key to your own suc-
cess is having the same kind of vision for your own future. This means a vi-
sion that is compelling and inspiring, and that is a constant source of
motivation for you and your team, not just in the present, but in the weeks,
months, and years ahead.
A wonderful thing about vision is that, although you cannot change the
past, you can create your future. So how is a vision developed? A good way to
start is by projecting yourself five years into a future you would like to see
come to pass and imagining that it is the present. Paint a mental picture of it.
Where are you living, who are you with, what are you doing, what is a typical
day like, how much are you earning, what are your pastimes? And the list can
be as detailed as you want it to be; your aim is to develop a clear mental pic-
ture that helps you settle what is best for you.
Once your vision is in place, you should put it into words and gener-
ate a plan for making it happen. Your goal here is to take a great vision for
the future and take the actions necessary to make it come true. Remember,
this vision is yours. Make it reflect where you want to go, not somebody
else’s destination. Maybe you’ll come up with something similar to the ex-
ample here:

It is five years from today and I’m lying on the beach in the sun-
shine, surrounded by palm trees. We’re staying at a beautiful villa
in an exclusive resort. As I lie here, I reflect on the success we have
achieved so far.
We are earning a residual income of $200,000 per month and
have $5 million in the bank. We have developed 1,000 leaders,
and our team now totals 150,000 affiliates spread throughout the
many countries we operate in. We have created financial security
for many of our team members. We own a beautiful home as our
primary residence and have two vacation residences. Never have
we looked so good or been so healthy.
Grateful for what we have, we are now able to contribute sig-
nificantly to a variety of children’s charities. I’ve been able to write
books and develop training programs that help other people be-
come successful in network marketing. As a result, our great in-
dustry is now seen as a viable career option for people from all
walks of life.

Creating a Winning Strategy for Your Network Marketing Business 29
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