The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1

When you read over your vision, you should be encouraged, motivated,
and excited by it. Just think, this is where you could be in five years! Done
properly, the detailing of your vision will be an empowering experience be-
cause it shows you just how much you are capable of.

Core Values

Identify your core values and use them to drive behavior and as the criteria
for decision making.

  1. I know what my core values are and why I have them.

  2. These same core values drive the decision making in my business.

Top performers in any field know what they stand for and they stand
by their values. Success is much more likely when your business is in line
with your personal values. After all, our values determine who we are and
guide our decisions. If you are involved in a pursuit that is not in line with
your values, you will always be at odds with yourself, and your performance
will suffer.
To help clarify your values, ask yourself the following questions:

  • What do I believe in?

  • What is important to me?

  • What do I stand for?

  • What drives me?

  • What are my criteria for decision making?

As you answer these questions, a number of values will emerge. Some
examples of these might be: integrity, honesty, excellence, hard work, happi-
ness, creativity, compassion, and loyalty.

An Exercise in Values Clarity
After giving it an appropriate amount of thought, list three to six
of the values that best represent what you stand for. Then ask oth-
ers, such as your spouse, co-workers, or friends, to list the three to
six values they think you stand for. Compare the lists. The closer
they are, the more apparent you have made them in the conduct of
your life. The further apart they are, the more work you need to


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