The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1
not have this kind of relationship with—yet. For each person with
a “–” by their name, develop a specific, realistic plan to get them
to buy into your strategy. Implement your plan and keep a close
watch on the results.

When you develop plans for instituting win-win relationships, bear in
mind that when you follow through with them, you are reinforcing a positive
relationship and making it stronger, and thus more beneficial to everybody in-
volved. But if you do not institute a plan when needed, or you ignore the fol-
low-through, then you reinforce a negative relationship. Because your key
interfaces are often people with the power to have a significant impact on
your business, for better or worse, be sure to tend to them diligently.

Key Resources

Identify the tangible and intangible resources that are key to your business,
and ensure an adequate supply of them.

  1. I have clearly identified the resources required to run my business
    and achieve my business strategy.

  2. I have ensured that these key resources support the focus of my
    business and that I have a regular supply of them.

The establishment of a successful business calls for the investment of a
variety of resources whose mix will be different according to the area of en-
deavor and what the operators bring to the table. In network marketing, nec-
essary resources will include time, money, people, equipment, space,
expertise, and many other things. Rare is the business that opens up shop feel-
ing that every one of the necessary resources are present in adequate amounts.
For most of us, the reality is that we focus on the most important resources
first, then acquire and develop the others as we go along.

It took Joan three months of struggling with her new network
marketing business before she realized that she needed to reevalu-
ate her approach to it completely. She had no clear direction for
the business and was experiencing only limited success. Chief
among the resources she saw the need for was somebody to help
her set goals and hold her accountable for accomplishing them.
Joan sought out a business coach and committed to a 12-month
program. Together, they developed realistic goals for Joan and set


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