The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1
up a program of regular communication so that her coach could
keep tabs on her progress and provide assistance in generating
new ideas and dealing with the challenges that came along. Before
long, Joan felt that she was moving forward with real purpose
and velocity.

Like a recipe with key ingredients, adding the right resource can make
the whole dish come alive. It does not have to be anything expensive or fancy;
it just has to be right.


Congratulations! You have completed all nine key tasks and are ready to
put together a strong, clear strategy for success that allows you to fully
leverage the considerable assets at your disposal. As you probably noticed,
just going through the nine tasks gives you a well-organized body of mate-
rial. All that needs to be done now is adapt it to your particular network
marketing business.
One last thing: Do not let your time spent with the nine tasks end
here; they always remain important, no matter how successful you are or
how long you are in business. Come back often for checkups. Generate
some new thinking for a tune-up, and always make sure your network mar-
keting business is the best possible reflection of who you are and what you
are capable of.

Cliff Walker has over 20 years of experience working in large organizations, in-
cluding senior management positions. For the past 15 years, Cliff has dedicated
himself to improving the performance of individuals and helping them reach
their full potential. He has worked in the United States, Canada, Australia,
Japan, Hong Kong, and throughout Europe.
He discovered network marketing as a result of researching the indus-
try on behalf of a major international company and immediately recognized
the potential. Cliff is now recognized as one of the top network marketing
professionals in Europe. After less than four years building a serious network
marketing business, Cliff’s team numbers more than 70,000 distributors and
350,000 customers, spanning the United Kingdom, Ireland, Belgium, and the
He was instrumental in taking the company he partnered with to over
$150 million in sales after just three years in business, generating income in

Creating a Winning Strategy for Your Network Marketing Business 39
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