The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1



Belief: Why It’s So Vital,

How to Build It, Who’s Responsible

Art Burleigh


elief—with enough of it, we can achieve just about anything; without
it, we’re essentially paralyzed, blind, and disoriented, and any shot at
success is pretty dim.


This is where it all begins—for all of us.
Who talks with you the most? You do. Your own internal conversa-
tions—what you think about—are what will ultimately form who you be-
come, what you do, and what level of success, accomplishment, and
satisfaction you’ll ultimately achieve.
Since you’re already smart and involved enough in self-development to
be reading this book, some of these ideas may seem rather obvious to you.
But if we’re trying to grow a better network marketing organization—one
that’s stronger, bigger, more self-sustaining, and one that finally creates its
own momentum for continued growth and renewal—then we know that a
bunch of people on our team need our training and help. This chapter pro-
vides some helpful guidelines and reminders. New distributors often need
help in realizing how critical their own beliefs are to achieving success, and
they need understanding in what areas to focus on for building belief along
with tips on how to do that.
Let’s first look at where most people are starting from. What key things
affect our internal conversations, our thinking, our beliefs?
Four key elements come into play here:

  1. Mental nourishment, our programming (positive or negative—usu-
    ally it’s a mix). This is the data sphere and emotional environment

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