The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1
we grew up with and which we allow ourselves to be surrounded
by now.

  1. Our experiences and references that form our reality—what we
    know to be true for us so far—the results of all our efforts to date.

  2. Our current beliefs that have helped us get to where we now are and/or
    have held us back in areas where we can’t seem to get ahead faster.

  3. Our vision—what we hold to be inevitable about where we’re going
    and what we’re destined to achieve. Too often, this is a weak area
    that needs serious new, sustained effort so that a bigger vision will
    drive our self-motivation to propel us into the actions that enable us
    to accomplish our big dreams and goals.

The six inches between our ears—that’s the real battleground for virtu-
ally all of us. That little space is the canvas where it all plays out—what’s
holding you back andwhat’s going to propel you to the achievements that’ll
finally get you all the things you want.
With the right attitude, strong belief, vision, self-motivation, and doing
the smart actions, this network marketing industry can provide you with a ve-
hicle to achieve the peace of mind you so desire, the time freedom, the finan-
cial freedom, and the ability to move from money to meaning and from
receiving to contribution. It can be the way to move from a posture of fear
that maybe there’s not enough money in the universe to enrich you, too, to a
place where you operate from abundance and share success secrets that em-
power others so that you become attractive, credible, and influential. From
that place, you can then draw those same kinds of people to you and your
network—and you’ll grow better in that process, get even more of what you
want, and help countless others to do the same!
One big challenge is that mere desire for all that stuff isn’t enough. To
get to that level of success requires us to work on our belief systems and on
our vision and self-motivation—and then, of course, to take all the actions
that will yield results required for success.
What we believe affects everything that we do and achieve (or don’t). If
our beliefs are strong enough in four key areas, we’ll get involved, develop the
needed skills, and take the actions needed to achieve success. Many people are
challenged by the fear of rejection in presenting the huge benefits of their
company’s products or services and business opportunity. I was at first. Be-
cause action overcomes fear, and stronger beliefs propel more action, the
fastest way to conquer that natural fear of rejection is to work hard at first.
Building your belief in four key areas:

  1. Belief in your company’s products/services.

  2. Belief in your company.


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