The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1

  1. Belief in network marketing.

  2. Belief in yourself.

If you’re weak in any one of those areas, your chances for success di-
minish. Many are weak in the last two areas especially. If you’re brand-new,
you may be weak in all four.
After some personal work, once you get strong in those four key belief
areas, you’ll have posture—big time! And with posture, you’re unstoppable
because you then own what your network marketing business is all about.
You own knowledge—either personal or third-party, from stories—that your
company’s products/services work and have big value! And your own belief
that your company’s strength grows as you and your team spread excitement
about its many benefits to new ears and others get involved with you.



Use them more, and get others to use more, too. You and your family should
use all of your company’s products or services that you possibly can—so
you’re a product of the product and you’re personally enjoying all the benefits
possible that your products/services provide. If you don’t do this, don’t expect
others on your team to do so.
If you’re offering wellness products to the world, know that baby
boomers are very willing to invest in their most valuable asset—their health!
Eleven thousand boomers are turning 50 every day and they’re concerned
about anti-aging and longevity. As you plant more seeds by getting more and
more customers using and enjoying the benefits of your products or services,
more success/satisfaction stories will develop, and that’s all valuable third-
party validation for building stronger belief in what you offer.
When more people in your sphere of influence are using your company’s
products/services and being coached properly by you, more will generate
some positive results. More excitement spreads from there—even if you don’t
personally achieve the speediest results you might have hoped for. If it’s a
good product/service, it’ll probably produce important results for most peo-
ple in time, including you. Tune in to all those success stories. That validation
will build your belief in your products/services faster.
Other ways to strengthen your belief: Plug into all the tools your com-
pany offers, especially the weekly live training and business briefing calls.
Listen in on your company’s conference calls to hear all the new success sto-
ries and how other (new!) people appreciate and benefit from what your
company offers.

Belief: Why It’s So Vital, How to Build It, Who’s Responsible 71
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