The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1
Stories Build Belief

The more success stories you’ve heard and know, the stronger your belief sys-
tems will become. Often, one story on a conference call will have a lasting im-
pact on you—and you’re stronger after you hear that call. Your posture is
different because of that increased strength.
People love to hear stories. Share the best success stories with your
prospects. And tell the stories with passion (which helps to grab and keep
their attention!) Remember, youhave “the cookie” (your company’s lead
product/service and business opportunity!). And many prospects will want
that cookie, too, if your belief in it is compelling enough to make it seem so
desirable that it’s irresistible.
What stories from your company inspire and drive you? And what
are you doing to learn them so well that you can tell them to others? I
strongly suggest you adopt a constant habit of mine: tape-record all of
your company’s weekly live conference calls so you can hear them again
and easily share them with your family, with other key team leaders, and
with prospects.
Facts tell, stories sell! People remember stories! Stories deliver emotional
impact. They make your business offering seem much more real, and people
love to hear them. Stories build belief. So, if your company or success line of-
fers live conference calls, make sure you plug into them so you’ll learn all the
new stories from your company.

Benefits of Recording Conference and Training Calls

  • Avoids family conflicts at home, lets you time-shift your listening.

  • You can share the call with your spouse/partner at their convenience.

  • Lets you hear more calls—so you learn more success stories.

  • You can hear great calls again and again and share them with others.

  • You can rewind the tape to catch something you missed.

  • Lets you go to bed earlier in the more eastern time zones.

  • A family member or friend can tape for you.

  • You’ll acquire a treasury of valuable stories!

And the best way to learn those stories, and also learn the valuable in-
formation on the many excellent business and personal development training
albums that are available today, is to listen and relisten to them when you’re
exercising, walking, driving, and so on. You’ll learn lots more by hearing sto-
ries and trainings over and over again. That process will build your belief sys-
tem stronger and stronger—and that’s one of the most valuable investments
you can make in yourself.


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