Traditional Chinese Medicine Medicated Diet Recipe Book

(C. Jardin) #1
Water Chestnut Cake馬蹄糕

Acute gastritis, peptic ulcer disease, reflux esophagitis, cholecystitis, periodontitis, enteritis,
dysentery, urinary tract infection, urinary stone, prostatitis


  1. Water Chestnut Powder (馬蹄粉) 100g

  2. Water Chestnut (馬蹄粒) 150g

  3. Rock Sugar (冰糖) 100g

  4. Corn Flour 50g

  5. Gou QI Ji (枸杞子) Lycium Fruit 15 g


  1. Peel water chestnut and cut into small cubes.

  2. Mix the water chestnut flour and corn flour with 1 cup of water. Filter the mixture (A)
    with a sieve.

  3. Melt the rock sugar in 2 cups of boiling water. Add water chestnut and Gou Qi Ji. Boil
    for 30 seconds. Add 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil to the mixture (B). Mix well and turn
    heat to low.

  4. Slowly pouring mixture A (from step 2) into mixture B (from step 3).

  5. Stir mixture continually in one direction for 5 to 7 minutes or until mixture is very thick
    and pasty.

  6. Pour water chestnut mixture into greased pan. Place pan on a steamer, cover and steam
    for 15 minutes or until it sets firmly and becomes translucent.

  7. Turn off heat, remove cake pan from steamer. Allow to set 4 minutes. Slice immediately
    and serve.

This is a most unusual cake. When freshly steamed and sliced, it has the consistency of a firm
jelly. As it cools, it becomes very much like an aspic. It can be frozen either whole or in slices.
To reheat, allow cake to return to room temperature, then steam for 10 minutes or until heated
through. It will become more jellylike again. Eat it just as if it had been made fresh.

It can be pan-fried as well, but it must be cooled and refrigerated overnight preferably (not
frozen) before doing so. To pan-fry, cut cooled cake into slices 2 inches square, 1/2 inch thick,
and pan-fry in the same manner as turnip cake.


  1. Strengthen the spleen, stomach, liver and kidney

  2. Nourish blood

  3. Induce dieresis

  4. Clear away phlegm, dampness and summer heat from stomach, bladder and kidney

  5. Brighten vision

  6. Detoxification

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