Traditional Chinese Medicine Medicated Diet Recipe Book

(C. Jardin) #1
Burdock Salad

General/Diabetes, stomach cancer, arteriosclerosis

1 burdock root
1 pear
2 Tbsp lightly toasted sesame seed
2 Tbsp rice vinegar
2 Tbsp sesame oil
2 Tbsp Soya Sauce


  1. Peel Burdock and cut into thin slices.

  2. Boil in salt water for 10 minutes, drain.

  3. Cut pear into small cubes.

  4. Mix all ingredients together.

o Clear heat, relieve toxin, reduce swelling, treat carbuncles.
o Clear pathogenic heat, promote production of body fluid, moisten dryness
o Relieve heat type cough, Toothache, sore throat, constipation

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