Traditional Chinese Medicine Medicated Diet Recipe Book

(C. Jardin) #1
White Fungus Lotus Seed and Lily Bulb Sweet Soup (雪耳,莲子,百合糖水)


  1. Xue er (雪耳) white wood ear, white fungus 30 g

  2. Lian zi (莲子) lotus seed 60 g

  3. Bai he (百合) lily, lily bulb 30 g

  4. Xing ren (杏仁) apricot seed 30 g

  5. Wu hua guo (无花果) fig 2

  6. Sheng jiang (生姜) fresh ginger 10 g

  7. Bing tang (冰糖) crystal sugar: a specific amount

Cooking methods:

  1. Rinse lotus seed, lily bulb and apricot seed and soak in water for 60 minutes

  2. Rinse the white fungus, trim and soak in water for 30 minutes

  3. Rinse figs and cut into 2 pieces of each

  4. Put lotus seed, lily bulb, figs and ginger slices in a pot and add 2 liters of cold
    water. Bring to boil and then turn to medium heat. Cooking until ingredients are
    tender (around 60 minutes).

  5. Put in white fungus and boil for 30 minutes

  6. Add the crystal sugar; stir until the sugar is dissolved.


  1. Moisten lung yin and generate body fluid

  2. Nourish stomach yin, lung yin and heart, calm the spirit. Benefit sleeping

  3. Tonify the spleen and kidney, harmonize the middle jiao. Benefit diabetes

  4. Prevent and treat respiratory disorders, such as flu and cold, asthma and bronchitis

  5. Antioxidant, anti-aged

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