Traditional Chinese Medicine Medicated Diet Recipe Book

(C. Jardin) #1
Soup with Chinese Yam, Lycium Fruit, Glehnia, and Polygonatum Rhizome



  1. Huai shan (淮山) Chinese Yam 30 g

  2. Gou qi zi (枸杞子) lycium fruit 15 g

  3. Sha shen (沙参) glehnia 15 g

  4. Yu zhu (玉竹) polygonatum rhizome 30 g

  5. Lian Zi (莲子) Lotus seed 30 g

  6. Bai he (百合) lily, lily bulb 30 g

  7. Wu hua guo (无花果) fig 2 g

  8. Sheng jiang (生姜) fresh ginger 10 g

  9. An chun (鹌 鹑) Quail 3

Seasoning: pinch of salt

Cooking methods:

  1. Rinse the Chinese herbs (items 1-6) then soak in water

  2. wash the Quail and cut into pieces

  3. Wash fig and fresh ginger and cut them into pieces

  4. Put all ingredients in pot and add 2 liters of water. Bring to boil and then turn to
    medium heat. Cooking until ingredients are tender and soup thickens (around 60-

  5. Add in seasoning and serve.


  1. Tonify qi

  2. Nourish spleen, stomach and kidney yin and nourish blood

  3. Calms the shen (spirit)

  4. Moisten lung yin and generate body fluid

  5. Prevent digestive disorders, respiratory disorders and diabetes

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