Traditional Chinese Medicine Medicated Diet Recipe Book

(C. Jardin) #1

Chive Stir Fried Lily Bulb (韭菜炒百合)


  1. Jiu cai (韭菜) chive 1Ib

  2. Xian bai he (百合) fresh lily, lily bulb 3

  3. Sheng jiang (生姜) fresh ginger 10 g

  4. Qing cong (青葱) green onion 100 g

  5. Da suan (大蒜) garlic 3 claves

  6. Sheng jiang (生姜) fresh ginger 3 slices

  7. Sheng chou (生抽) soy sauce 1 tbp

  8. vegetable oil 2 tsps

  9. Table salt right amount

Cooking methods:

  1. Wash Chive and cut into about 2 inches long

  2. Wash 3 fresh lily bulb and peel into pieces

  3. Peeled garlic, cut into pieces

  4. Wash green onion and cut into about 2 inches long

  5. Put 2 tbsp of vegetable oil into the hot pan, then put in ginger, garlic and onion
    and stir-fried about 10 seconds

  6. Add in chive, fresh lily bulb and soy sauce and stir-fried about 2 minute

  7. Add in fresh lily bulb and stir-fried about 2 minute

  8. Add ¼ cup of water and cover the lid until boiling

  9. Pinch of salt and serve


  1. Tonify the liver and kidney

  2. Fortify yang

  3. Clear the heart, Consolidates jing (essence), Calms the shen (spirit)

  4. Warm the stomach, Nourish stomach yin

  5. Harmonize the middle jiao

  6. Moisten the lung and arrest cough

  7. Treat chronic stomach qi reversal such as vomiting, hiccups, etc.

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