Traditional Chinese Medicine Medicated Diet Recipe Book

(C. Jardin) #1
Egg White and Almond Soup (蛋白杏仁茶)


  1. Egg white 2

  2. Evaporated milk 150 ml

  3. Nan Xing (南杏) Bitter Chinese Almond 160g

  4. Bei Xing (北杏) Sweet Chinese Almond 20g

  5. Sugar appropriated amount

Cooking methods:

  1. Rinse bitter and sweet Chinese almonds.

  2. Soak in water for 3 hours.

  3. Drain and set aside.

  4. Pour sweet and bitter Chinese almond into blender.

  5. Add appropriate amount of water and blend to puree.

  6. Strain off residue.

  7. Bring almond liquid to boil.

  8. Add sugar, evaporated milk and egg white and keep stirring.

  9. Bring to boil over low heat.

  10. Serve.


  1. Relieving cough; soothing breathing difficulties and nourishing lung

  2. Improving skin condition; enhancing skin smoothness and elasticity

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