Traditional Chinese Medicine Medicated Diet Recipe Book

(C. Jardin) #1

Fleece Flower Root (Shou Wu) Congee (首乌百合粥)


  1. He shou wu (何首乌) fleece flower root 30 g grounded into powder

  2. Bai he (百合) Lily bulb 50 g

  3. Gou qi zi (枸杞子) Lycium fruit 15 g

  4. Da zao (大枣) Jujube 10 pieces

  5. Da mi (rice) (大米) Polished round-grained rice 200g

  6. Sheng jiang (生姜) fresh ginger 5 slices

  7. Brown sugar: right amount

Cooking methods:

  1. Rinse Lily bulb, Lycium fruit, dates, and rice.

  2. Put items 2~6 in pot and add 3 liters of water. Bring to boil and then turn to
    medium heat. Cooking until ingredients are tender (around 60~90 minutes).

  3. Add the fleece flower root powder and mix well with the congee,

  4. Add brown sugar into the congee; stir until the sugar is dissolved, then serve.


  1. Replenish Jing (Essence) and nourish the blood of the liver and kidney;

  2. Eliminate toxin

  3. Moistens lung and the intestine to relieve cough and constipation

  4. Lower cholesterol, treat cardiovascular disorders

  5. common used to treat blood and jing deficiency related disorders, such as
    a. high cholesterol, hypertension and coronary heart disease
    b. premature gray hair,
    c. nocturnal emissions, vaginal discharge, menstrual disorders,
    d. anemia, dizziness,
    e. blurred vision,
    f. tinnitus,
    g. lower back and leg pain and weakness, and so on.

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