Traditional Chinese Medicine Medicated Diet Recipe Book

(C. Jardin) #1
Frog and Enoki Mushroom Rice (田雞金針菇飯)


Frog Legs 60g
Enoki Mushroom 30g
Rice 150g

Cooking Instruction:

  1. Wash Enoki mushroom and frog legs and season with sugar, salt, soya sauce, ginger,
    corn starch

  2. Wash and cook rice until half cooked

  3. Put frog legs and Enoki mushroom on top of rice, cover with lid and cook on low heat
    until fully cooked


  1. Strengthen spleen, benefit stomach, detoxification

  2. Promote urination, reduce swelling

  3. Nourish yin


  • This dish is very suitable for liver disease patient and is recommended to eat regularly
    in order to treat the disease and strengthen the body.

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