Traditional Chinese Medicine Medicated Diet Recipe Book

(C. Jardin) #1
Kelp, Black Fungus Stew with Yellow Soy Bean (昆布云耳焖黄豆)


  1. Hai dai (海带) kelp 50 g

  2. Yun er (云耳) black fungus 30 g

  3. Xian Gu (香菇) mushrooms 10 pieces

  4. huang dou (黄豆) yellow soy bean 200 g

  5. Sheng jiang (生姜) fresh ginger 3 slices

  6. Qing cong (青葱) green onion 60 g

Seasoning: pinch of salt, sugar, sesame oil, soy sauce

Cooking methods:

  1. Soak the kelp in water for 60 minutes, rinse, and cut into small pieces.

  2. Soak black fungus for 30 minutes and rinse

  3. soak the mushrooms for 30 minutes, rinse and cut into pieces

  4. Rinse the yellow soy bean

  5. Wash green onion and cut into about 1 cm long

  6. Put the kelp, black fungus, mushrooms, soy bean and ginger slices in a pot and
    add 2 cups of cold water. Bring to boil and then turn to medium heat. Cooking
    until ingredients are tender (around 60 minutes).

  7. Seasoning with green onion, pinch of salt, sugar, sesame oil, soy sauce and serve.


  1. Cold the blood and hot syndrome

  2. Arrest bleeding

  3. Soften hardness

  4. Promote functional activity of ST, regulate qi flow,

  5. Calming mind,

  6. Dextoxification,

  7. anti -nausea and vomiting, anti-diarrhea,

  8. lower blood cholesterol, blood pressure and blood sugar

  9. Weight loss

  10. Common use to prevent and treat
    a. cardiovascular disorders, such as hypertension, heart disease, stroke
    b. stop internal bleeding, such as GI bleeding and vagina bleeding
    c. promote the immunity and reduce risk of breast/colon/prostate cancer,
    d. control diabetes,
    e. prevent osteoporosis, relieve menopausal symptoms
    f. Benefit for patients with goiter, hiccupping, difficulty swallowing, edema
    and pain of testes, vaginal discharge and so on

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