Traditional Chinese Medicine Medicated Diet Recipe Book

(C. Jardin) #1
Mixture of Amomum Fruit and Lotus Root Powder (砂 仁 藕 粉)


  1. Sha ren fen (砂仁粉) amomum powder 1.5 g

  2. Mu xiang fen(木香粉)Aucklandia powder 1g

  3. Lian ou fen (莲藕粉) Lotus root powder 100g

  4. Hong tang (红糖)
    brown sugar 1tbsp

Cooking Method:

  1. 100g lotus root powder, amomum powder, and Aucklandia powder mixed with 2
    cup cold water

  2. boil 2 liter of water and then add sugar and stir to dissolve

  3. Slowly add water chestnut powder mixture into the wok, turn heat under wok to
    low. Stir mixture continually in one direction for 5 to 7 minutes, until mix is very
    thick and pasty.


  1. Tonify kidney and consolidate jing (essence), stabilize fetus during pregnancy period

  2. Nourish the heart and calm the shen (spirit)

  3. Regulate qi, Unblock qi stagnation, regulates the middle jiao and relieve pain, dispels

  4. harmonizes the liver and spleen, prevents stagnation.

  5. Dissolve dampness, strengthens and spleen, warm the middle jiao, stop diarrhea,

  6. Stabilizes pregnancy.

  7. common used to treat
    a. cardiovascular system disorders: such as hypertension, high cholesterol, heart
    b. Nervous system disorders: insomnia, anxiety, headache, and so on
    c. Reproductive system disorders: menstrual pain, vaginal discharge, stabilize the
    fetus during pregnancy period.
    d. Urinary system disorders, such as UTI, urinary stone
    e. Digestive system disorders: gastritis, peptic ulcer disease, enteritis, ulcerative
    colitis and so on

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