Traditional Chinese Medicine Medicated Diet Recipe Book

(C. Jardin) #1
Mung Bean and Kelp Sweet Soup (绿豆海带糖水)


  1. Hai dai (海带) kelp 50 g

  2. Lu dou (绿豆) mung bean 200 g

  3. Sheng jiang (生姜) fresh ginger 10 g

  4. Bing tang (冰糖) crystal sugar: a specific amount

Cooking methods:

  1. Soak the kelp in water for 60 minutes, rinse, and cut into small pieces.

  2. Rinse the mung bean

  3. Put the kelp, mung bean and ginger slices in a pot and add 4 liters of cold water.
    Bring to boil and then turn to medium heat. Cooking until ingredients are tender
    (around 60 minutes).

  4. Add the sugar; stir until the sugar is dissolved.


  1. Cold hot syndrome, clear away pathogenic heat and summer heat

  2. Induce diuresis

  3. Loss weight

  4. Prevent hypertension, high cholesterol and coronary heart disease

  5. Detoxification

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