Traditional Chinese Medicine Medicated Diet Recipe Book

(C. Jardin) #1
Pumkin beef stew

General/Diabetes, high blood pressure
508g stewing beef
518g pumkin
1/2 onion
2 slices ginger
2 Tbsp Hosin sauce
1 Tbsp white vinegar
1Tbsp Cooking wine
1/3 Tbsp salt


  1. Clean and cut all ingredients into byte size.

  2. Blanch beef

  3. In a pot, add 5 C water, beef, ginger, cover and bring to boil.

  4. Add remaining sauce ingredients, cook 45 minutes in medium heat

  5. Add onion and pumpkin and cook for another 20 mins.

  6. Add salt and serve

o Nourish blood
o Detox and Purge npwel
o Moisten lung, benefit qi, stop cough
o improve immune system, prevent cold
o Moisten skin, clear acne

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