Traditional Chinese Medicine Medicated Diet Recipe Book

(C. Jardin) #1
Soup for Prevention and Treatment of Diabetes(消渴汤)


  1. Hua Ji Tui (火鸡腿) turkey leg 1

  2. Huai shan (淮山) Chinese Yam 30 g

  3. Sheng di huang (生地黄) rehmannia 30 g

  4. Shan zhu yu (山茱萸) Asiatic cornelian cherry fruit 15 g

  5. Sheng jiang (生姜) fresh ginger 3 slices

Seasoning: pinch of salt

Cooking methods:

  1. boil 2 liters of water, put the turkey leg into the boiling water and slightly rinse it,
    then bring up the turkey leg and rinse it with cold water

  2. remove the turkey leg skin.

  3. Rinse the Chinese herbs (items 2-4) and soak in 1 liter of cold water for 2 hours

  4. Put all the herbs with the soaking water and the turkey leg in pot and add in 2
    liters of water. Bring to boil and then turn to medium heat. Cooking until
    ingredients are tender.

  5. Add in seasoning and serve.


  1. Tonify the liver and kidney

  2. Tonify qi and nourish blood

  3. Nourish the spleen, stomach, lung and kidney yin

  4. Retains jing (essence) and promote generation of body fluids, moisten dryness of

  5. Common used for prevention and treatment of diabetes

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