Islam and Modernity: Key Issues and Debates

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Deniz Kandiyoti is a professor in the Department of Development Studies
at SOAS. She holds degrees from the University of Paris, Sorbonne (B.Sc.)
and the LSE, London (M.Sc. and Ph.D.). Deniz has taught and researched
in universities in Turkey, the USA and Britain. Her research interests include
comparative perspectives on gender, household formation and development,
and Islam and state policies in the Middle East. More recently she has been
working in the Central Asian republics of the former USSR on post-Soviet
transitions with special reference to land rights and agrarian reform. She
has done consultancy work for UNDP, ILO, UNESCO, OSCE, DFID and
UNIFEM. She was also a British Council consultant for a World Bank project
and edits Central Asian Survey. Dr Kandiyoti can be reached at [email protected]

Muhammad Khalid Masud is currently Chairman of the Council of Islamic
Ideology, Islamabad, Pakistan, and was previously professor and academic
director of ISIM, Leiden, The Netherlands. He has published extensively on
Islamic law and on contemporary issues and trends in Muslim societies. He is
the author of Shatibi’s Philosophy of Islamic Law (1995) and Iqbal’s Reconstruction of
Ijtihad (2003), and co-editor of Islamic Legal Interpretation: The Muftis and their Fatwas
(Harvard, 1996), Travelers in Faith, Studies on Tablighi Jamaat (2000), and Dispensing
Justice in Islam, Qadis and their Judgments (2006). Dr Masud can be reached at
[email protected]

Ebrahim Moosa is Associate Professor of Islamic Studies in the Department
of Religion at Duke University and Associate Director of Research at the Duke
Islamic Studies Center (DISC). He has previously taught at Stanford University
and the University of Cape Town. Moosa’s interests are focused on Islamic
thought with a special interest in Islamic law, ethics, theology and studies in
the medieval Muslim thinker, Abu Hamid al-Ghazali. His book Ghazali and the
Poetics of Imagination received the American Academy of Religion prize for the
Best First Book in the History of Religion. He also edited the last manuscript of
the late Professor Fazlur Rahman, Revival and Reform in Islam: A Study of Islamic
Fundamentalism. He has published extensively on modern Islamic thought and
ethics. Dr Moosa can be contacted at [email protected].

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