Islam and Modernity: Key Issues and Debates

(singke) #1

Western scholarship, 4
of modernity, 36–50
of Sufi sm, 126–7, 132–4, 135–9
Westphalia, Peace of, 27, 28
White, Jenny, 95
Wittrock, Bjorn, 22
women, 74, 78, 196, 219, 252, 254, 277
women’s emancipation, 91, 94, 96, 97,
101, 104

Young Ottomans, 66
Young Turks, 68

Zaghloul, Saad, 69
al-Zawawi, Muhammad Salih, 126
Zeghal, Malika, 219–20
Zia-ul-Haq, 277
Ziya Pasha, 198
Zuhdi, Sulayman, 126

296 Index

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