eMarketing: The Essential Guide to Online Marketing

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This is not about advertising or even just product information. It is about coming up with ideas for real
programs that, through informing or entertaining, enhance your customers’ experiences of your brand.


  • The Internet allows for everyone to share their opinion.

  • Blogs are powerful because they allow anyone to publish and share ideas. Anyone can read and respond
    to these ideas. As a result, both consumers and companies have a voice.

  • There are several elements of a blog. The basic ones include the author, the blog-post title, tags,
    comments, and TrackBack. Other elements include RSS feeds, categories, blogrolls, and archives.

  • Blogs can increase the incoming links to your Web site. Using a blog platform that has been designed to
    be search engine friendly is crucial to getting the full benefits of SEO.

  • Corporate blogs can connect staff, investors, industry members, journalists, and prospective customers.

  • It is important for corporate blogs to outline a strategy and establish guidelines before starting to blog.

  • It is important to promote blogs, and there are many useful tools to do so.

  • Microblogging is a powerful way for brands to engage with consumers using short posts.

  • Podcasting is a way to distribute a brand’s message via audio. There are many benefits; however, the
    podcast must be of excellent quality.


  1. Why is transparency so important to marketing using social media? Has this halted or accelerated the use
    of social media for marketing?

  2. Give an example of how a brand can use a podcast to market itself. How it can use microblogging?

  3. Identify a corporate blog. Who authors the blog?

[1] Thad McIlroy, “The Future of Blogs,” The Future of Publishing, June 24,
2008,http://www.thefutureofpublishing.com/industries/the_future_of_blogs.html (accessed June 23, 2010).
[2] David Sifry, “State of the Blogosphere, April 2006, Part 1: On Blogosphere Growth,” Sifry’s Alerts, April 17,
2006, [http://www.sifry.com/alerts/archives/000432.html(accessed](http://www.sifry.com/alerts/archives/000432.html(accessed) May 27, 2008).
[3] Michelle McGiboney, “Twitter’s Tweet Smell of Success,” NielsenWire, March 18,
2009,http://blog.nielsen.com/nielsenwire/online_mobile/twitters-tweet-smell-of-success(accessed June 20, 2010).

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