eMarketing: The Essential Guide to Online Marketing

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8.6 Social Media and Marketing: Rules of Engagement


  1. Learn the rules of engagement in social media and what the benefits are.

Social media imply a democratization of information and require authenticity and openness from

those who would deliberately use them for marketing. Relying on the Internet, this means that good

stories as well as bad stories spread and stick around. Jeff Jarvis may have had problems with Dell in

2005, but you can easily find all relevant communication with a quick Google search.

Al though they are engaging publicly with a wide audience, marketers need to remember that they are

communicating with individuals. While marketers should engage in the conversation and can lead it,

they cannot control it.

Marketing to Content Creators

The influence of bloggers means that they should form a part of any public relations (PR) strategy
(see Chapter 12 "Web Public Relations" for further details).

Supply content creators with the tools and resources they need so that they can easily talk about your

Marketing to Content Consumers

Social media allow anyone to have a say, and the same tools that are available to individuals are available
to companies. Company blogs allow a brand to build a personality and to interact with its target market.
Entertainment created and spread via social media increases brand touch points. Using the same
channels that are available to your consumer aids in understanding the consumer and evens the plane of

When using social media to reach out to content consumers, go to where your consumers are. The media
used are dictated by your users.

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