eMarketing: The Essential Guide to Online Marketing

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busy, talking about FNB, proving that word of mouth spreads fast and social media engagement is

contagious and has the potential to amass great creativity.

In the case of FNB, crowdsourcing, supported by social media, resulted in substantial PR value and

an excess of ideas from which to choose, as well as the successful integration of consumers into the

company. The use of Idea Bounty allowed for the growth of brand awareness and close relationships

with a large prospective client base.

For more information, visit First National Bank (http://www.fnb.co.za) and Idea Bounty



  1. How do you think institutions such as banks can make use of social media? How would they measure

  2. What do you think some of the challenges are for banks when it comes to the social media channel?

  3. What are the benefits of crowdsourcing to an organization such as FNB?

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